History of sugar factory

Shahad Joint Stock Company (Gand Khoi Sugar Factory) in 1345 by the department private with the purpose of building a sugar factory from sugar beet and obtained permission to build it in 1347 It has been put into operation.

Its nominal capacity in the year of construction was 1500 tons of beets per day and it is currently operating with 4500 tons of beets.

The devices and equipment of Gandakhoi sugar factory have been technically updated during the operation of the past years and currently the best technology is used for sugar production and the development plans of the factory are being implemented; With their completion, the capacity of Khoi sugar factory will increase.

Khoi sugar factory information

company Registration

01/01/1345 With the brand name: Shehad Co., Ltd. - Khoy Sugar Factory

Registered name

Shahid JSC - Khoy Sugar Factory

Industrial group

Food and beverage products

More than 1000 employees

Our family is increasing day by day

Type of Activity

White sugar production

Factory location:

Km 5 of Khoy-Tabriz road, Khoy sugar factory